
HIre a car at Pisciotta Palinuro train station

Car Rent Pisciotta/Palinuro Train Station

Hire a car at Pisciotta Palinuro train station

Delivery and collection service!

Hire a car at Pisciotta Palinuro train station! Avail of our top delivery and collection service! A member of our staff will deliver the rented car waiting for you at Pisciotta Palinuro train station at the time and date you indicated in the car reservation. He will have an identification sign showing your name and the Antares91 logo. You will then be accompanied to your car booked to complete the payment procedures and signing the rental agreement.

At the end of the rental period, our Assistant will meet you at Pisciotta Palinuro train station for the car collection. You just park the vehicle outside the train station

Hire a car in Pisciotta Palinuro train station! Avail of the best service that Antares 91 offers you:  simple procedures, fast and easy, without losing time queuing for your car rental desk. Quote online your car hire including delivery and collection service clicking  here

Hire a car at Pisciotta – Palinuro Train Station

Delivery/collection service!

Contact us via…

Mobile: +39 3356389719 – +39 3491210033 (also whatsapp)

Available Hours

from monday to sunday
from  09:00 to 20:00
Available for after-hours pick-up and drop-of


Pick-up fee: € 35,00
Drop-of fee: € 35,00

After hour pick-up: € 10,00
After hour drop-of: € 10,00

PI: 04406140653 CF: FRGNGL67R68C125A Antares 91.

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